Published: February 4, 2025 (5 days ago)
The Stoeger RX20 S2 Suppressor air rifle
combines eye catching design with ground
breaking technological features, make this
gun really exciting to shoot! The ergonomic
silencer housing provides a firm grip for
cocking the break barrel and the AFC (Air
Flow Control) internal channels and
regulation ring further reduce noise.
Equally striking, the advanced ergonomic
design of the gun fits perfectly to the shooter.
The attractive Proadaptive Checkering has
been developed in collaboration with
shooters, and together with the Multigrip
System, allows the user to choose the grip
which best suits the weather conditions and
their style of shooting.
Gun Type Air Rifle
Make Stoeger
Orientation Right Hand Stock
Mechanism Break Barrel
Trigger Adjustable
Weight From 3.1kg
Length 110cm
No Scope/Optics
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