How to hunt using the sound principles of good reconnaissance, siting, and building hides, presentation of decoys, and accurate shooting.
To order a signed copy of "Wills Pigeon Shooting, Secrets of consistent success" or simply admire Will's artwork go to
Will Garfit was born in 1944 in Cambridgeshire, UK, where he still lives. He developed an award-winning (laurent Perrier, 1988, now the Purdey Award) site of old gravel workings for wildlife and game, which became the subject of the book Wills Shoot in 1993, later Wills Shoot Revisited in 2005.
He is well known to the readers of the Shooting Gazette for whom he has written a monthly column on pigeon shooting since 1994. As a sporting artist he has been an exhibitor at the Tryon Gallery since 1981 and an illustrator of over 30 shooting and country books. He has appeared in the Top Ten Shots in various magazines and has sat on the Countryside Alliance Conservation and BASC Game Shooting committees

Watch Will in action shooting pigeons